The easy way to start your own lingerie brand

This week I have been mainly on calls, the clients I mentor or people that want answers about lingerie design book in what seems all at once, which is a great way to spend my week - talking about lingerie design. So how can I help you on your lingerie design journey?

Unlock Your Potential

In the design world brimming with opportunities, sometimes all we need is a guiding hand to unlock our true potential. This is where I step in – bringing you answers propelling you toward your goals, one step at a time. If you are seeking your next step look no further than booking in with me. Here's why:

Tailored Guidance for Your Journey

One size fits all? Not here, this week alone I spoken to someone who wanted to learn about grading their designs, taught tips on making soft bras, spoken to someone who is yet to start their brand and wanted me to look through their designs and suggest fabrics and another person who has all their tech packs done and tech drawings but wants to know the next step, all from different countries: USA, Australia, UK and Malta.

The point I’m making is that you all have an individual journey that is unique. You all will at some point reach a point which you’ve done with researching and want to move onto the next step. That's why my approach to help you is highly personalised, tailored to your specific needs, aspirations, and challenges. Where ever you are on the path to designing I can help.

Proven Strategies, Real Results

Talk is cheap, but results speak volumes. I deliver tangible outcomes. Honed through years of experience and expertise, I empower you to overcome obstacles and achieve your objectives. If you book into the mentorship I’m with you every step of the way, ensuring that progress isn't just a buzzword but a reality. In layman terms if you book in for a chat I look at anything you need help on before the meeting and ask if you have specific problems. If you book in for the mentorship then we get to work together for longer, I can plan out a timeline for you, I’ve worked with previous clients who are in the midst of getting their lingerie made in a factory, and when the factory replies, I offer my suggestion with how I would reply or explain any terminology they don’t understand.

Empowering Mindset Shifts

Ever felt like your biggest obstacle was staring back at you in the mirror? I’ve been there, what if nobody buys my lingerie designs well, what if It's time to rewrite that narrative. If you’ve worked with me you’ve probably heard me give the analogy and likening of being a pop star compared to launching your brand. There are so many singers out there however, if you want to be a singer you don’t not be one because you think there are too many singers already being successful, as you will be offering something different. The same goes as a consumer you don’t stop listening to different singers just because you’ve found one you like. There is room for your idea.

Unwavering Support System

Embarking on a journey of launching your lingerie brand can feel daunting – but you're not alone. You gain a steadfast support system. I love seeing you go from idea to reality, I contact you every one to two weeks to check in with you with unwavering encouragement, accountability, and guidance every step of the way; and you can contact me any time you like.

Harness the Power of being able to launch your brand

Don't let uncertainty hold you back. I offer a free 15 min call if you want to check in and see if I can help you, there is no pressure to take things further I love talking about lingerie design and talking to others passionate about their idea takes me right back to when I began my brand, the excitement and determination you have is an honour to be part of.

You need to seize the opportunity to start. Ready to embark on your journey to launch your own brand? Contact me today ( and let's unlock your true potential of your design idea into an actual garment.

I’ve spent twenty-seven years designing, I started because I was in love with the creative and the technical side of designing lingerie and I still am.

What I will say is that, with the chats I can give you the answers you need, with the mentoring not only do I give you the answers I guide you the next step to take, I like to give you all the knowledge you need, as it’s your brand, you don’t want to come away and think you haven’t learnt anything. If you are looking for someone to do it all for you, that’s not me, there are plenty of people offering those services and I’m quite happy to pass on names or companies if you are wanting someone to do it all for you. My approach is so you take full control of your brand, I’m a bit like Jiminy Cricket, in the background offering you advice for you to take action on it.