I specialise in helping new designers that are wishing to start their own lingerie label. Whether you are wanting your ideas drawn up as technical drawings, a tech sheet/pack produced, patterns made or simply advice what to do next. I can tailor a quote directly for your needs.
What to do next
I advise if possible that you have as much information as possible for your designs, these can include:
Who is your target market?
What fabrics you may use?
What is your UPS?
What size range you are covering?
Are you solving a problem within the industry?
I would also advise to work out, how much of your label you want to do yourself? Are you wanting to hand-make your lingerie or are you outsourcing parts so you can concentrate on your strengths which is designing your lingerie. If you're not sure what you need or where to start, please contact me. I'll let you know honestly what you need to do next to move your idea forward.
I can help you to get started, don't worry if you ask for a quote and can't commit straight away, the quote is viable for three months.
Look forward to hearing from you, please use the form below or contact me direct laurie@vanjonssondesign.com