How to attach a Hook and Eye

One of the final parts of the bra to finish, attaching the hook and eye, and the main key point is to not start at the end.

When you start at the end you have the chances of stretching the fabric therefore having too much fabric to go into the hook and eye part resulting in having to fold and gather the fabric in. By starting in the middle you secure the fabric and everything is more managable.

I like to

  1. Start in the middle sew to an end,

  2. Keep the needle in, turn it so the hook or eye faces away from you and then sew it to the other end.

  3. Keep the needle in, turn it and sew to the middle where you started, so you have sewn two rows of stitching.

  4. Then for aesthetics (and because there is a lot of tension there when worn) I sew a mini zig zag along the straight stitching.

  5. If you are sewing the eye, you following the procedure above but when it come to turning the eye, you keep the needle in, turn and the lift up the needle then then alter the needle’s position (by left or right) this is the zigzag width and when in the straight needle position it can move. So you line it up and sew.

  6. There is a You Tube video showing this. Link at the bottom.


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