Want clarity on your lingerie design collection?

Get part one of ‘How to design and refine your first lingerie collection’. I often work with start ups that have been wanting to design a lingerie brand for so long, and often come with all their research they have been doing, but haven’t taken the next step to clarify their designs. If you want a shortcut to that step this course is for you.

Whether you dream of starting your own lingerie line or simply desire to craft stunning pieces for personal satisfaction, this course is your ultimate guide.

Tell me more

This course is split into four parts, Ideas, Influences, Features and Benefits and then your final collection. By the the end of this course you will have designed a collection or gotten clarity on your designs that is true to you, that echoes your brand voice and so you know your ideal customer to target.

By knowing your features and benefits of your brand, you design with clarity, by knowing your customer you design with clarity, by knowing your USP you design with clarity.

Stop the hours upon hours of researching to only change your mind and re-design something else. By honing in on a brand direction with your designs your customer will instantly recognise your designs collection after collection because you will be a recognisable brand.

I show you in different strategies how to unpick your designs, go a step back and elevate them. Then we put all that you have learnt, together to form a strong design. This is the foundation of all that you will design from herein. I show you the tips and secrets I use for designing and it’s the same process if I am designing for myself, designing for a client or working with a buyer to narrow their ideas down.

I have designed sell out collections for high street stores, designed bras that sell over £200, and worked with many start-ups get their idea to production in some cases, in a turn around of six months and it all started with building the foundation. Getting clarity, understanding the design process.

In this self paced course you will learn this foundation. Are you ready?

Module one: Ideas

This module will begin with defining your brand identity and show you the importance of getting this right before you finalise your ideas. It will look at the customer base you are aiming for, defining your USP and get you clear on the direction and feel of your brand.

Module two: Influences

You will be shown suggestions where to take influences from and how to translate them into your designs. You will work with influences that evoke YOUR emotions and revisit your ideas from module one and push them further.

Module Three: Features & Benefits

After designing and having ideas about your lingerie, you will then be shown how to go back over your design and improve it. Your USP will then be re-visited to ensure that it ‘s the strongest it can be.

Module Four: Final collection

Using all the knowledge you have learnt you will begin to piece together your designs/collection.

You can study at your own pace and convenience, fitting lessons around your busy schedule. By the end of this course you will have a clear direction and design, ready to move onto sourcing fabrics or getting your design drawn up in CAD depending which route of design you wish to take.

There is a supportive Community in a facebook group: Connect with like-minded designers, share inspiration, and receive personalised feedback if you would like from me.